How to Stop Your Dog From Barking And Train Them to Obey

How to Stop Your Dog From Barking and Training Them to Obey will teach you different methods to stop your dog's barking

How to Stop Your Dog From Barking and Training Them to Obey will teach you different methods to stop your dog’s barking, such as:

  • Noise masking
  • Disrupting the behaviour chain
  • Punishing your dog

You can choose whichever method you think will work best for you and your dog. Try another method if the first method fails to control your dog’s barking.

Barking Dog

Noise masking

There are several ways to train your dog to stop barking, from using white noise to playing music. If the sound your dog is responding to is too loud, a small desktop fan can help. A radio, too, will reduce outside noise, which can cause stress. There are even products on the market for dogs that have separation anxiety. Noise masking is one of the most effective methods to teach your dog to be quiet when left alone.

Depending on the source of your dog’s anxiety, you may need to use different noise-masking techniques to reduce his exposure to the loud sounds around him. For example, if your dog barks when people walk by, try confining them to the back of the house. Or, if you’re worried about the noise from the street, try playing music through a CD player or television to mask the sounds.

Noise masking is particularly effective for dogs that bark when they’re alone since frantic greetings can reinforce their anxiety.

Interrupting the behaviour chain

To stop your dog from barking, use an interrupt cue to redirect their attention. This positive interrupt can be as simple as a high-value treat. When your dog starts barking out of frustration, they will look to you to get that treat. You can also use a high-value treat as a counter-condition to redirect their attention to you whenever they encounter frustration-causing stimuli.

The key to interrupting the behaviour chain to stop your dog from being a nuisance is to eliminate the situation that triggers the barking. If the barking is a sign of a bigger problem, you can distract them by placing them in a different environment. For example, if your dog is barking when other dogs are in the room, move the sofa further away from the window or close the drapes. It is important to remember that it is never a good idea to give a dog a treat if they’re barking at something that might put them in danger.

Punishing your dog

When your dog barks, you can use a variety of methods to teach them to stop the behaviour. Some examples of positive punishment include yelling or tapping your dog on the nose with a newspaper. Other methods include a citronella collar, which squirts a scent of citronella into your dog’s face when it detects a bark. You can also use dominance downs or alpha rolls to punish your dog. If your dog continues to misbehave even though no one is around, you can use a booby trap or prong collar. These can also be used to deter your dog from doing it in the future. You can also use shock collars to stop your dog from doing something.

Physical punishment is not recommended for most dogs, as it may cause your dog to become aggressive or lose trust in you. If you force your dog to sit and stay when you demand it, he may react by lashing out at you or even destroying your home. If your dog becomes aggressive and withdrawn, he might become stressed or start attacking anything in the vicinity. Instead of punishing your dog, teach him an alternative behaviour.

Teaching your dog to bark on command

Dogs usually bark on cue. This behaviour is often automatic and a sign of security, but not all dogs do it on cue. Many dogs are prone to barking when they hear humans or other dogs. If you are unsure whether your dog has a tendency to bark, it may help to mimic past scenarios. Start by rewarding your dog with a treat when it does not bark, and move the stimulus closer.

Next, teach your dog to bark on cue. The best way to start this training is to use the word “speak.” When your dog barks, you should praise it for it and say “speak.” You can also teach your dog to stop barking by using words like hush, silence, or quiet. You can also give a treat every time your dog stops barking. If you do not want to use a specific word, you can make up your own.